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Amelia Boux
Winsford, England
First year, Hufflepuff
21,0 cm elm wood and dragon heartstring
She knew she was different from her parents when she was a little girl; odd things would happen when she got overly emotional or excited. Books would come flying off the shelves on days she stormed through her father's study, sweets would become easier to obtain when her mother hid them in high places, and animals would miraculously find their way to her bedroom door when her parents neglected to lock the front door and bar the windows. They were at a loss for what to do; she scared them sometimes, as they had no history of magic in their blood themselves and knew of no one else who did who could possibly help retain their daughter.

That being said, Amelia wasn't a mean girl. She was curious more than anything else. Bright-eyed, her nose often stuffed in the pages of books, and smart quips. She was shy to a certain degree; scared of strangers but a complete chatter box around friends. There wasn't a mean bone in her body.

Amelia has bright blue eyes and a face few can forget; she's not exactly beautiful, no, but she's always there. She has a small button nose, a mouth with lips always upturned into a smirk, and rosy, freckled cheeks with dirty brown hair to match (although she has been known to plead with her parents to dye it any other color).

Amelia was raised in a rural community, where neighbors knew neighbors and parents dragged their children to church as often as possible. She attended (and excelled) in most of her school studies and showed promise in the muggle world. When she wasn't indoors reading a book, she would be outside in her parents' garden, talking to the flowers or wading in the creek behind the house. She wasn't too sociable with other children her age, choosing instead to find solace in her books and family.