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Leila Rhee
London, England
First year, Slytherin
28,0 cm chestnut wood and troll whisker

Name · Leila Rhee
Personality · Leila is a determined witch for her age, and often misunderstood. Mysterious by nature, she prefers to retain her emotions from the world, her true intentions never clear ─ perhaps this is why people may find her intimidating. It is difficult to know where her loyalties lie, simply due to her rapid change of focus. She has many aspirations, and tends to flicker between her various pursuits to keep herself concentrated.
She is known to be quite a perfectionist, and any of her projects must be finished with the utmost specialty─despite being hardworking, with those efforts always flourishing, she is notoriously hard on herself. She seeks comfort and assurance, but resents opening up, likely as a fault of her underlying fear of rejection.
Leila is a reserved type, but not out of shyness━she simply prefers to convey her thoughts in her infrequent, but meaningful commentary. She is the epitome of grace, tending to stay composed, even when she’s emotional━but that’s not out of detachment. She can be quite passionate with her feelings, but outbursts make her feel exposed, which she absolutely despises.
When she is in the presence of people she cares for, this lovely witch has a demeanor of a rather sweet and delicate nature. Her seemingly indifferent attitude is usually a front, and her subtle forms of care are endearing as they are frustrating. She struggles to be direct with her feelings, and this often results in her being flustered over the simplest of things.
Appearance · Leila is a youthful beauty, who seems to be of Asian and European descent. She stands at a mere 163 centimeters (5'4) and weighs just over 56 kilograms (123 lbs), but compensates for her petite stature in her ambitious and assertive attitude. Her lithe figure is always tilted in a determined, graceful manner, whilst maintaining a perfect posture.
She has raven, silk—like hair that falls in curls and reaches the small of her back, with chocolate undertones that compliments her porcelain complexion. Long dark lashes frame her eyes, contrasting strikingly against entrancing emerald orbs. When rose, plump lips curve upwards to laugh, her small button nose overlaps her rosy cheeks in a heartwarming display.
History · As a child, Leila was always eager to learn—science, art, but especially magic. Her father, a successful wizard named Jisoo, brought her up by himself. Whenever she wept, he would calm her by telling tales of the wizarding world, which immediately dried her tears. She was drawn to it, and understandably so, for she had a natural ability. If she couldn’t find her favorite toy, it’d suddenly be near, on her bed or desk. And if she wanted a book on the highest shelf? Sure enough, it’d fall to the ground.
Jisoo was relieved, and partly worried, when her powers began to flourish. He was proud, of course—but she was the first half blood of the Rhee family, which had always caused tension with relatives. They hardly visited, and Leila could not understand their obvious dislike. Her mother had always been a secretive topic, knowing little more than her first name, which was Luna. And if she dared ask more, her father would go into a blind rage, which would eventually become her biggest fear.
As the years passed, the once loving parent grew resentful, jealous of his daughter’s constant curiosity to an absent mother. He was constantly irritable, and their bond became strained. He kept himself to his work in the Ministry, and pressured Leila to follow in his footsteps. It’s unclear whether she is ambitious because she is scared of him, or if she secretly admires him. Regardless, she aims to succeed in the world, to prove her family wrong, and herself proud.