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Sam Lesion
Wizard born
Brighton, England
First year, Ravenclaw
32,2 cm english oak wood and phoenix feather
My name is Sam Lesion. I am 11 years old (as you already know). I am from Brighton England and am a Wizard Born.

I have a pretty high voice but can be pretty intense in serious moments! My favorite color is baby blue because it just makes me feel happy and just motivates me in general! I am pretty skinny and am only about 85 - 90 pounds but I've been a dancer since I was 3 so I have muscle. I have a LOT of tightly curled dark brown hair which I sometimes forget to actually de-tangle. I am a darker tone, and am about 4'8.

My mother is Miranda Lesion and my father is Samson Lesion. They both went to Hogwarts and said that it might sound crazy but those were the most "magical" years of their lives. The reason my name is Sam instead of maybe Samantha is because my parents were expecting to have a boy so they already agreed on the name "Sam" so when they found out I would be a girl they just stuck with the name.

My parents started realizing that I would be a soon to be witch when I was about 6. They first noticed when I was playing with a couple toys I ended up making one vanish with a mere thought! Once I was 9 I even ended up getting a small book about Hogwarts and all of it's mysteries and was then fixated on learning about Hogwarts.

I have a pretty bubbly personality but also love reading books and studying about interesting topics in the wizarding world. I also like reading about magical creatures! I am usually confident and will try to be as nice as possible but straight to the point if I can. My parents usually call me a "dozer" because I have a habit of just dozing off and thinking about all of the extraordinary things I can do once I learn all of the spells I need and all of the extraordinary things that I can do!

I'm still pretty young but am now super duper ready to start attending Hogwarts! I may not be the brightest or the strongest or the bravest or the most ambitious or the nicest but I can still try to be the best person that I can ever ever be! I will always try my best and classes and will just be the best Witch that I can be.