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Erwin Scott
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
34,4 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Erwin was born into a muggle family in a small city in Ireland. Since his parents were both muggles,he was incredibly surprised when he received his letter. At this time,he was just getting into his second year at his school. So getting accepted to a school he never applied to was quite odd. However he accepted it with open arms. His parents however..were slightly hesitant. A random letter coming through the door telling them their child was a wizard? Not likely. But after persuasion from Erwin,they finally agreed. Now he is on his way and can't wait to see what he can do. Although...He realises he has never learnt about magic at all. This was going to be a long few years. Or maybe...Just maybe he will have so much fun he will never want to leave. He always did get quite attached. Especially when there are others like him. Although a wizard who can't even fix his own eyesight might not be a good one. But I suppose he will have to wait and see. He might turn out to be the greatest wizard of all time! Or maybe just possibly he may turn out to be the worst wizard in the history of Hogwarts. He can't hold a pen right never mind a wand! Oh well...I suppose he'll see you at Hogwarts.