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Xyanne Love
Wizard born
Broadmeadow, Scotland
First year, Ravenclaw
26,9 cm walnut wood and phoenix feather
Hi! I'm Xyanne Love! I have medium length curly red hair that I've dyed light blue into. I have fair skin, oh! As well as blue eyes and glasses. I'm rather short compared to the rest of my family and they tease me about it. I was born on November 3rd in our small cottage! My Mum's name is Crystal and my Dad's name is Chris. I have an older sister named Nikala but she's left home now, we use to be really close when we were little, but not anymore... My parents are very kind people! And they always help out when they can and taught me to always be kind. Both my parents are alive, but Dad got really sick once, but he's okay now! I live in a small muggle town in Scottland and have grown up there. My friends always told me growing up I was clumsy and obvious to things. But most of the time they saw me I either had my head stuck in a book or talking energetically! I both my parents work in the ministry and my sister just finished Hogwarts and left for America. They hope I will work there when I grow up but I want to travel the world and see the wonders of both the magical and non-magical communities. I've read about so many of them in my books but it's not the same as seeing it! But I was so happy when I got my Hogwarts letter and found out I was accepted, that I ended up tripping over my own two feet. I love to read and learn new things, and drawing is amazing! I also love looking after animals. And I know I'm not straight, I like girls and boys, but. I just don't know. When I first discovered I had magic I was playing with my Uncle's puppy Roger, and the next thing I know he's as big as me! My Mum was thrilled but Dad was more concerned about getting Rogger small again. I've always been homeschooled and only had a few friends, so getting into Hogwarts is amazing, but, there will be so many people. Yet, I couldn't believe I was accepted, I was a step closer to getting a pet! Oh yeah, my parents said I could get a pet after I enter Hogwarts. So I was excited, now it's only so long before I can get one! I wonder what pet I'll get...