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Samuel Abital Parker
St Asaph, Wales
First year, Hufflepuff
30,8 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
"Just call me Sammy!"

Samuel is the youngest of two brothers, with his half-brother recently graduating Hogwarts himself. Born to a Magic mother and a Muggle father, Sammy is a half-blood, and due to his mother's death just a handful of years after his birth, Sammy has very little knowledge of the wizarding world.

Andy, his elder brother, tried to give his younger half-sibling the best he could, frequently writing letters to him while attending the school himself, detailing as much as he could about the magical world. As a result, Sammy learnt as much as he could while in the muggle world, although some information may have been less than truthful.

Before Hogwarts, he liked to spend time at the old creepy library and trying to make friends with the old creepy librarian. His closest friend that's not his brother is a girl five years older than him, a muggle named Sarah. He doesn't like chocolate, he has dyscalculia and likes to read Edgar Allen Poe, because that's hip. When not reading Poe, he's reading about the occult, or exploring the town, especially old abandoned places. He wanted to be a paranormal investigator when he gets older, but that doesn't stop him from trying now. Since delving into the magical world, he thinks he would like to become a Magizoologist or 'Unspeakable'.