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Nikki Raes
Burmingham, England
First year, Hufflepuff
30,2 cm pear wood and snallygaster heartstring
Nikki Raes is an 11-year old witch. She has brunette hair, blue, eyes, and black glasses. She is very tall and relatively skinny.

She is shy and reserved and usually keeps her opinions to herself unless something very unjust happens. She can be sarcastic and open if she gets to know someone well, and likes to make jokes with her friends. Though, to any outsiders, she is very quiet. She loves to read, write, and draw. She's very imaginative and gets lost in her head a lot.

She was a muggle living in America for the first five years of her life before moving to England due to her father's job. She has a brother seventeen year old brother named Alex (I won't be playing as him) and a mother and father. Her mother works at the bank and her father works as a marketer for an international electronics company. Her mother is very uptight and demands respect, while her father is a bit more laid back and will let the kids do pretty much everything as long as it won't get anyone in trouble. Both of them can read their kids like books and know when something is wrong and how to talk to their kids about it. Alex is a troublemaker and constantly teases Nikki. Nikki usually overreacts and the mother gets extremely made at Alex a lot of the time

Apparently, Nikki's grandma was secretly a witch, as she lived in England. And since Nikki was of age and now near a major magical school, it seemed logical to send her their to continue the tradition. So they got the letter. She is extremely nervous, yet slightly excited to learn magic. Her brother makes fun of her about it, while her parents comfort her and give her advice. Her mother says to simply be respectful, kind, and polite to everyone she meets in the school, and be focused on her studies. Her father simply says to go in there and make some friends like it's normal school.
This is the best I could find, but it doesn't have glasses! I know, it annoys me too.