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Coral Peaks
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
34,2 cm mayhaw wood and phoenix feather
Coraline Peaks

Coral is very short, with wavy, blond hair. She is clearly 11, but is mistaken to be much younger. She wears cute pigtails, along with accessories with floral designs. Her everyday outfits are very girly. It's common for her to wear skirts and dresses, and she hates wearing
tomboy clothes, which includes shorts, sneakers and hoodies. Of course, she received a lot of attention because of her looks.

Coral is a ball of sunshine with a very bubbly personality. She is a very curious girl. But her drive can lead her into trouble.

Coral adores two things, pets and fairy tails. Coral never had any pets due to her father's allergies. However, she'd often visit her grandma's retirement home to play with her dog. Coral reads many fantasy books, and she admires the heroes within them. While packing her supplies for Hogwarts, Coral added her collection of books with her wands and clothing. Even though she prefers cats, Coral bought an owl because she is quite allergic to them.

Coral is an only child with a muggle mother and a wizard father. Nothing too traumatic occurred throughout her childhood. However, she was bullied during her time in school, not because of her wizard origins, but because of her exotic fashion choices and her over the top personality.

Coral is thrilled to go to Hogwarts. Not only can she easily escape her old bullies, she's also welcomed by a new adventure of incredible wonder. Coral's dad was positive his daughter would be a Hufflepuff, but Coral would definitely prefer joining Gryffindor. She believes every Gryffindor is a fearless and mighty warrior, and she wants to be just like them. She also adores Hogwart's many creatures, even the disgusting and gross ones.