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Tiny Misa
None, England
First year, Hufflepuff
25,8 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Tiny is a kind person, and has been interested in magic her whole life. She is funny, and loves jokes. She has dark hair and blue eyes, and loves purple. Tiny was born with a muggle father and a pureblood mother. She was raised alongside magic, and was exposed to it her whole life. She showed her first ever sign of magic when she was upset with her computers slow loading. She was able to send a burst of energy with her anger, and the computer worked faster. She showed other signs of magic throughout her life. She loved her father more than anything, especially after her mother died when she was 10. She always did things with him, and he was very protective of her. He was the light of her life. If she was in danger he was always there for her. Because her father is not with her in hogwarts, she is quite shy, but if you get to know her, you will gain her full loyal trust. Dont break it though, because when you get on her bad side, she is really strong and wont leave you unpunished. If you cherish her friendship, shes the best friend you could have. She'll never leave you hanging, and will always do whatever it takes to protect those who she loves.Evn if your not on her bad side, you can sure enrage her bad. Tiny is very against swearing, and will avoid it at all costs. She lives on a small farm in the middle of nowhere, in England. She is also shorter than most, about the height of a beginning 5th grader. Other than that she looks normal. (11)