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Castiella Ricci
Leeds, England
First year, Hufflepuff
21,3 cm chestnut wood and jackalope antler
Name: Castiella "Cass" Ricci

Birthday: January 7th, 2008

Appearance: A 4'11 girl with skin looks like the warm sand of the desert, short slightly wavey brown hair and brown eyes like a melted chocolate lake from Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory, she has a dimple on her left cheek and on her right collarbone there a small cafe-a-lait circle birthmark, her style of clothing is very casual comfortable clothing when she is around town

Personality: She is generous, nice, shy, and a fear of public speaking, once she gets close to someone she can be very mischevious and sometimes a bit mean but she means well, sometimes she barely speaks but when she does it feels like she can never shut up.

Background: Cass is a Mudblood and came from a fun childhood in Leeds, England with two older sisters, Rebbeca and Lola, they also have a Norfolk Terrier named Yoshi, Her powers first appeared when she was 5 and had been at the toy store, her mother did not approve of a stuffie she wanted so she threw a tantrum and a few stuffies flew off the shelves scaring her mother.

Likes: She has her favorite snake stuffie, chocolate, animals, games, football back at home, coloring, and her close friends, old movies, singing, dancing, drawing, reading, Disney, theme parks, sitcoms, anime, manga, rainy days, tomatoes

Dislikes: Rude people, waking up early, people waking her up, others hurting people she is close with, liars, peanut butter and jelly, hardcore workouts, writing essays unless it is creative, writer's block, going out a lot, very close thunder, waiting to eat