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Katia Nicole
London, England
First year, Slytherin
28,6 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Name:  Katia Nicole campion
Also Known As: cat
Titles: lady Katia of the campion manor
Age: depends on roleplay
Birthday: 28/4
Nationality: Latin American
Species: Pureblood Wizard
Gender: female
Pronouns: She/her
Past/Bio: Katia was raised to believe that pure bloods are better than everyone else. Her family is very close to the malfoy family having her father being a hit man for them, however Katia being rather confident she is lonely, she had never had a Christmas with her father as he was always on the run, a lot of dark secrets have been kept from Katia. Such as her mothers murder when her father found out she was cheating. Katia became a death eater to make her father accept her on her eleventh birthday as she felt it was the only way her father would love her. Katia will soon be heir to the campion manor if her father is found or something bad happens from a mission off the malfoy.

About Her

Personality: Katia is a cleaver and intelligent girl for her age, however she is very insecure due to the hate and things her father says to her. She believes she will never be good enough to have a relationship and she will scare everyone off if they found out the dark secrets that linger behind the closed doors of the manor.
Occupation: heir to the campion fortune
- dancing
- singing
- piano
- learning
- Her dads lies
-  being alone
-the fact she doesn't have a father figure like people at school
- her dad things he can show her love with presents
Hobbies: Katia is very gifted dancer and piano player if you can't find her she is probably playing the piano or dancing in the gardens of hogwarts next to a lake she hear her father met her mother at.
Fears: she's scared her dad doesn't accept or love her because of his beating
Strength: she's learnt to become a very independent woman as her life has become very lonely all she has is a elf called Havair
Weakness: her father and her biggest crush she will do anything for them

Height: Unknown
Skin Tone: tanned
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Description:
- Color: brown
- Highlights: none
- Length: long
- Style: straight or curly 
- Worn: down
- Scars: self harm
- Piercings: ears
- Tattoos; none yet

Father: Edward campion
Mother: killed off
Siblings: none
Relatives: none that she knows of
Best Friends: draco malfoy


School: hogwarts
House: slytherin
Best Core Class:
Defense against the dark arts, and charms
Worst Core Class: potions
Quidditch: doesn't play she's scared of flying
Extra-Curricular: Not known


Wand: 10" hawthorn, unicorn hair
Boggart: her father
Animagus/Patronus: can't summon

Extra Information

Quotes: "I shall not abandon hate"
"I had a dream at last. The butterfly trapped in spiderweb has no wings. That butterfly is... me."
"I perfer to live my nightmares with open eyes."

Food: anything to do with pasta! She loved pasta
Drink: hot chocolate
Color: blue
Animal: horse
Flower: rose
Season: winter