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Thomas Turner
Wizard born
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
30,8 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Thomas is a gifted young wizard. He comes from a privileged family, his father in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures and his mother as part of the Wizengamot. He has an older sister who finds him a little annoying, but he's always looked up to her. He comes from a happy family, but unlike his sister, his powers were not discovered within the comfort of their home.  When he was younger, he and his family had taken a trip to the muggle world and visited a 'supermarket'. It had something to do with the fact that his sister had a Muggle Studies assignment and so wanted to venture out to learn more about them and their habits. Once they'd got over the impressive size and orderly structure of the supermarket, Thomas become fascinated by a water pistol on sale. He had picked in u and an attendant had told him to put it back once his parents had said they weren't buying it. Saddened, Thomas put it back but he heard a scream as a worker was adjusting the display. Holding a burnt hand, Thomas had realised that the pistol he put back was melting! They then quickly left the store...  

 He's kind hearted, empathetic but at times a little headstrong. He's always willing to help those in need, but he can sometimes miss the bigger picture and say the wrong thing. His  emotions at times run away with him, and can stop him from thinking more rationally due to his intuitive nature. He's confident without coming across cocky (most of the time). He's personable and friendly but once someone has made a mistake or lied to him, he will struggle to rebuild that bond. He appreciates the finer things in life and high quality thanks to his family's wealth. 

Thomas is of average height with green eyes and gingery brown hair. He has a nice smile and a dusting of freckles along his nose.  His background is happy and largely free from strife.