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Rosie Pendersnap
Dublin, Ireland
First year, Gryffindor
29,1 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Rosie Pendersnap - Rose Diane Pendersnap, if we're being formal - was born to a wizard father and Muggle mother on the outskirts of Dublin in 2008. Growing up in a household with two magical brothers and three (unfortunately unmagical) dogs, she's a rambunctious kid, ready to shout over everyone else and guarantee that she's heard. Yes, what Rose lacks in height she more than makes up for in withering looks and her loud, airy voice, always willing to take charge. With her brown hair and bright blue eyes, she's the image of her mum, but in the stern set of her brow and her sharp tongue, she reflects her dad.
Rosie's older brother, Alsaindar, was in his first year as a Slytherin at Hogwarts when the youngest in the household, Eamonn, tripped and fell while playing with Rosie in the garden. His wails had brought their mother rushing out, but by the time she reached them with her trusty first aid box, the small cut on his leg had disappeared, as had the blooming bruise on his forehead. Rosie looked just as shocked as her mum and, maybe, just maybe, a little bit proud too. Her mam is a doctor, you see, and while Rosie has little time or patience for learning all those things you need to learn to be a doctor, she knows she wants to help people. In a different world, she would've become a nurse, but since her magic has started revealing itself, she's become fascinated by the Healers of the wizarding world.
And that's the story of Rosie so far - young, thran, ready to take on the world with her chin held high and proud.