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Aria Matheson
Evanton, Scotland
First year, Gryffindor
25,3 cm aspen wood and phoenix feather
Aria may come off as being quiet, but she is up to an adventure and to try new things...usually. Sometimes her own curiosity is put off with caution. She is good at watching and learning, taking in things and calculating. She might be a little shy at first, but once you get to know her she can be far more outgoing. She enjoys art a lot too and is quite good at sketching...for an eleven-year-old.
She has dirty blonde hair and stunning light hazel eyes. She is a bit on the small side for her age, but she doesn't let that slow her down or hinder her (if she can help it).
Aria comes from a single parent home, just her and her wizard mother. She doesn't know what happened to her father, if he left, disappeared, or was killed. Her mother won't tell her and she stopped asking. She loves her mother and looks up to her greatly. Her mother did not perform magic often, and when she did it was of course only within the boundaries of their tiny apartment, but Aria was always amused or mesmerized by what her mother could do. Even with something as simple as using it to help her cook. Her mother did not have a lot of money and worked a couple of jobs both in the wizarding world and one in the human world to help them get by, but to Aria, things were always happy.
Aria did not start to display any magic until she was around eight years old. Other than one time as an infant. She had a happy childhood and there wasn't anything that happened that might be cause for her magic to surface earlier.
Needless to say she is thrilled to be going to Hogwarts to begin her education within the wizarding world.