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James Duillon
Wizard born
Bournemouth, England
Third year, Hufflepuff
23,5 cm walnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
James Duillon, is a son of wizard-born family. His father, Matthew, graduate of Hogwarts works at the Ministry of Magic as an Auror. His mother, Jeane, graduate of Durmstrang; also works at the Ministry of Magic. Sometimes he goes to the Ministry of Magic with his dad, listening to the conversation between Aurors. All James wantsto become is an Auror like his dad. Growing up with the story of famous Harry Potter, James couldn’t wait to go to Hogwarts. Since he was 9 years old, all he could think was which department the Sorting Hat would choose for James. As Harry Potter, he wanted to become a Gryffindor but the odds could be different. He has a huge sense of humour with lots of naughty stuff. He loves being a pain in the ass, however, he is generally brave and follow the rules. He can speak both English and French and he is studying the book of Defence Against the Dark Arts and studying the wand moves; yet he couldn't achieve any success. The first wand he got was a branch of a tree which had no magical powers but James' own imagination. He first got his magic when he was trying to write down the spells on a parchment. As he was bored of to do so, he wished the quill would write itself. The wind started dancing around him, the quill started to move in the air, started writing down the spells. James was so happy, he directly sat on the chair, followed the quill’s moves, smiling. He was ready for Hogwarts. He knew it in the inside.