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Vivienne Nina Rose
Edinburgh, Scotland
First year, Hufflepuff
27,6 cm ash wood and phoenix feather
Name: Vivienne Nina Rose
Age: 11
I grew up in a loving household with two mothers. I often face teasing because of this, but I don’t mind because I love my moms a lot. One mom is a metamorphagus, and she constantly changed her appearance for me and my siblings when we were little. We’d love to watch her. My muggle mom, Annalise, is a primary school teacher at the broken-down old school house where I went to school. It is a good school, just underfunded . My witch mom is he owner of a shop in Downtown Edinburgh, which supplies general wizarding tools. Both parents were very kind and loving, and this has caused me to be the same way. I generally get along with my parents and siblings, but when I was seven I got into a fight with my older brother about whose turn it was to ride the toy broom. When he slapped me, he was blasted back across our lawn. This is how I first showed magic. My parents were delighted, though my muggle mother was a little shocked, as my older brother is non-magical. I have a baby sister Amara and an older brother Alex, who’s 16. I had a very happy childhood, and I get very homesick when I’m away, but I still am very excited for Hogwarts. I hope to be keeper on the Hufflepuff team. I’m a total nerd for anything Muggle and all fandoms, muggle or wizard. I love to geek out with my fellow half-bloods and muggleborns about Muggle fandoms. I also enjoy knitting and baking. I am super friendly and totally crazy when you get to know me, but I can be pretty shy at first. From the day I was born, I have been very anxious, often for no reason, so much so that sometimes I need to step away. But when I’m not anxious, I’m super laid back and love to have a good time. For fun, I like to swim in the lake. I often swam in the cold Scottish oceans at home, so I don’t mind the cold. I also enjoy writing stories, reading books and magazines, and drawing pictures. I am a talented artist and was featured in a gallery back home. As I said, I also like to knit, sew, and bake. I’m well known for my fancy cakes. They are often very over the top. That’s about all!