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Genevieve Harrington
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
22,2 cm aspen wood and dragon heartstring
Personality: Genevieve, aka Genny, can best be described as sassy, confident, and fierce. She is a proud person who fully embraces who she is. While she does attempt to get along with all she meets if you prove to be rude, mean, or a pain she will not hesitate to tear you down (and maybe even seek a little revenge through some pranking). She has a sharp tongue and is very quick to use it, resulting in her big mouth getting her into trouble.

Many would also say that Genny has a bit of an ego since her confidence is so big. She does think highly of herself, but that doesn't mean she never has any doubts and it doesn't mean that she looks down on others. She truly believes that confidence brings success which is why she always tries to believe in herself. Also, sespite being very into her looks, Genny is not as "girly" as people may assume. Yes she loves fashion, doing her hair, makeup, etc, but she also loves exploring, horror movies, reptiles, and other things people wouldn't expect of her. Her dream pet is actually an iguana!

Genny also has a certain tendency to do things her way rather than playing by the rules or following instructions. Sometimes this leads to positive results, other times it just leads to a bunch of trouble. Unfortunately, once Genny's mind is set there is little anyone can do to change it (making her a bit stubborn). Genny's troublemaking side doesn't outweigh her desire to achieve though. She has set goals for herself and doesn't let herself lose sight of them even when causing mischief. Some people might say that Genny has her head in the clouds with all she wishes to accomplish, but she doesn't care. She insists that she will be able to do anything she wants to as long as she sets her mind to it.

Bio: Genevieve was born in London, English to a mother who owns a fashion empire. With her mother being an extremely beautiful, smart, and successful woman Genny has always seen her as a role model which has kept them strongly connected. Despite Genny's mother having to take many business trips or return home late due to her work, she'd always find some way to make time for her daughter. Genny's father has always been equally affectionate. He's a businessman himself, originally working for his own family's business but quitting to work in his wife's upon marriage. His position in her fashion business involves marketing and PR work, much of which can be done remotely which made it easy for him to be with Genny. Many of his interests were passed on to her such as horror and action movies since he was the one home with her the most.

Naturally, there were times when both of her parents had to be gone for an extended period of time for work. During those times Genny would play games with the servants and even prank the few she didn't like that much since unfortunately she never had many friends. All the so called friends that Genny had made she came to discover were only friends with her due to her wealth. They were all from other rich families who were seeking to climb the social ladder higher so all of the friendships were basically arranged by the parents to better their families rather than being organically made by the children.

After over hearing them talk badly about her Genny became enraged and pulled a bunch of pranks on them as pay back. This included releasing frogs in her classroom, putting worms in lunch boxes, and other stuff like that. Her poor behavior got her suspended for a while which lead to the first big fight between her and her parents. The fight ended when she stormed off to her room sobbing, finally letting the hurt take over.

Days later, as Genny was playing by herself in her backyard, she discovered her magic. It was all an accident, but luckily it was a non-dangerous one. Instead of being freaked out by her sudden abilities Genevieve was amazed and excited. She instantly tried to talk to her parents about it, but they didn't believe her. Having no control over her magic yet, Genny couldn't just start performing tricks to prove herself to them. Luckily, she didn't have to. A few days later someone from Hogwarts appeared and explained everything to Genny and her parents. Genny isn't quite sure how her one time act was discovered, but she is glad it was. The representative handed Genny her letter and that is where her journey begins.