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Brooklyn Bryant
Lynton, England
First year, Ravenclaw
26,6 cm chestnut wood and rougarou hair
Brooke - she/her - 11 years old

A charming young girl, Brooklyn, or Brooke as she prefers, excelled at her first few years of school in the respectable muggle town of Lynton. As she grew, learning through the trials and tribulations of childhood, Brooke found a deep competitive spirit within herself. Her sport of choice was field hockey, and despite her young age she thoroughly enjoyed participating at the local Youth Center. However, she wasn't shaping up to just be a jock. Rather, Brooke also took and interest in science. Her attention was rapt during that period of the day, and she loved rattling off scientific theories, laws, and equations to her parents while recounting what had gone on that day. Being so young, it was nothing they hadn't heard before, but at least the practice spoke to Brooke's endless fascination and need to explore.

As her personality developed more and more, occasionally odd things would happen around her. Impossible throws while skipping stones, resulting in pebbles awkwardly cascading off the water's face. Inhuman shots in sports and games, breaking school equipment much to everyone's puzzlement. Sudden gusts of wind causing classmates to squeak or give themselves away during games of hide and seek. All minor enough to be reasoned away, but odd nevertheless.

With a fighting spirit and inquisitive mind, Brooke stood out against her classmates. Not only did her heritage show though warm caramel skin, but her hair also bore the distinct unbridled waves so common in her ancestors. Race never gave Brooke much trouble, being a concept which children and most often blind to, but rather she loved and appreciated the differences in everyone around her.

She parents had a hard time believing this "magic" was real, when it was requested that Brooke join their special school. Having made many friends at her muggle school, Brooke was a bit hesitant herself. Yet, the awe she felt at the concept of learning magic trumped the hesitation she initially felt. Once her parents came around to the idea she told her life-long friends that she was transferring to a far away boarding school. Adamantly she promised to return and play during the summers, but until then, Brooke couldn't wait to start discovering this whole new world of magic.