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Tommy Shepherd
Dartford, England
Second year, Hufflepuff
22,2 cm cherry wood and snallygaster heartstring
Tommy Shepherd was born to a family that is half magic and half muggle. Literally it's half and half. He has an older brother, Johnny, who has so far been a normal muggle. His father, Thomas, is a wizard whilst his mother, Charisse, is a muggle. Tommy looks most like his father as well, not including their shared magical abilities. Tommy has curly, brown hair and hazel eyes. He's a bit tan and fairly tall for his age. His father usually makes the joke that Tommy might be related to a giant. Obviously this would be quite odd, which is why Tommy usually never shares his father's jokes anyway. Tommy also is a little lanky, his posture is a little slouchy, but he never does this on purpose. His mother tends to correct his 'rude' posture anyway. Tommy also has a few freckles that dot his face, although they aren't incredibly prominent. Overall, Tommy is quite the average boy except for his magical abilities. He never thought he'd have any after seeing his brother. So, it was quite the surprise when he accidentally caused his mother's pet cat to hover in midair when he was excited about his eleventh birthday. Other than not knowing too much about magic, Tommy's personality is that of a timid boy who usually does not speak out. Once he's come out of his shell, however, he can be quite energetic and happy. He's quite stubborn though- he claims he'll never ever get married or have kids or anything that involves being in love. Tommy might be a bit childish, but it's his stubbornness that gives him a bit more persistence at times. Although he can be stubborn, he would much rather be known for being a caring friend who's overall honest and doesn't mean any harm. His personality probably doesn't match his particular interest in plants and animals, though.