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Enrico Ianello
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
27,2 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
Name: Enrico Ianello
Description: Blonde hair with light blue eyes.
Personality: I can be funny (sometimes) I can also be sarcastic when I want to be. I tend to hold grudges but I come around sooner or later.
Backstory: I was born to Maria Ianello and Jacob Ianello on February 24th 2008, in London, England. I come from an Italian muggle family. I was very close to my parents. I helped them around the house as much as I could, they’d play games with me, and watch our favourite movies and tv shows. But all that changed when I was six, my little sister, Bianca Ianello was born. My parents suddenly stopped hanging out with me and spent more time with Bianca, always tending to her needs and leaving me out on stuff. My parents were always, Oh Bianca this… and Oh Bianca that…. It was bloody annoying. To make matters worse, I started going to school so I barely even saw my parents because of all the homework I had and how busy I was at school. When I was 8, I started becoming very popular. I was really good at soccer, and people thought I was nice. Soon, I didn't even have any time to get depressed about my sister being born and my parents ignoring me, I was too busy attending playdates and after school activities. Everything was going perfect until one day, when I showed my sign of magic. I was nine at the time and was walking to my math class when a bunch of big, burly bullies coming my way.They kept on calling me names and threatening me. I rolled my eyes at them and tried to walk away, but they blocked my path. “Move out of the bloody way you good for nothing brats!” I told them. The biggest and ugliest bully narrowed his eyes and before I could even say “Eep!” he had attempted to punch me. But instead of me falling to the ground howling in pain, a weird force made the bully fly across the hall! I stepped back a bit thrown aback by what just happened. His followers stared at me wide eyed and started screaming and running away from me. Ever since that day, people started treating me like I was a monster. All of a sudden,” Mr. Popular guy” was now” Mr. Everybody’s afraid of you guy”. Even my own family started treating me like an outcast. When I turned eleven, a proper looking old lady came into my house and gave me a letter addressed to ME! The lady told me something about a magical school called Hogwarts where witches and wizard learn, and, any other kid would have thought that it was just a joke but not me! I was seriously that desperate to get away from home. My parents talked to the lady, and they said that I could go! I was so happy! The next day, my little sister came into my room and gave me a big hug and told me that she was going to miss me. I smiled at her and told her that I would miss her too. I really hope that I have a great time at Hogwarts.