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Qyle Klark
Diamond Falls, England
First year, Ravenclaw
30,5 cm cherry wood and unicorn hair
What can be said about Qyle Klark?

I am a young prospective wizard, child to my father, a riding broom maker, and my mother, a muggle who sells real estate. My powers showed themselves for the first time when I accidentally levitated the family cat when my father was at work. My mom kind of panicked, but she knew it was a possibility already.

I have had some informal flying training from my father, though all I can do so far is summon a broom about 1 in 3 times. Like any other child, I like sweets, and enjoy watching chocolate frogs hop around. I have a few muggle friends that I have to be increasingly careful around. I also have a few wizard friends that I play with, but I'll be leaving them to go to Hogwarts, since I'm the oldest among the group.

I am usually shy and quiet. I like to read about magical creatures, from dragons to thestrals, even Giants and centaurs. My dad won't let me read some more of the violent stories about creatures for obvious reasons.

I am looking forward to my classes at Hogwarts, but mainly potions and transfiguration. Even in muggle school I liked chemistry, so potions should be right up my alley. The idea of turning things into other things fascinates me. I've always wondered how our cat would look with wings.

I have been put into Ravenclaw house. I suppose we will see if I can live up it's reputation. I hope I can study in the library to try and get ahead of the class.