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Nathan Cook
Ilford, England
First year, Hufflepuff
32,0 cm beech wood and phoenix feather
Nathan would be described as one with a very bubbly personality. He's very straightforward and while he doesn't make friends very easily, once you are his friend he treats you like family. In short, he's a nice, compassionate, and will always try to help those in need. A classic goody to shoes
Nathan is about 4 feet 6 inches tall, which his parents tell him is tall for an 11 year old. He has blonde hair that parts to the left and a pair of brown eyes. He's also relatively skinny even for an 11 year old
Nathan grew up in Illford England. His mother was a elementary school teacher and his dad was a college professor. So naturally, his parents wanted him to always do good in school, causing them to push him, not hard, but not always super easy. Despite that his home life was nice. His school life not so much. He has faced down bully's in the past but thought that telling on them was "wrong". He's made very good grades in school up until now.
How or when did their magic first surface. You need to be magical to attend Hogwarts!
Back to the bully's. Nathan's magic first surfaced when the bully Jacob Ernest, was trying to steal a friend of Nathans lunch. Nathan, who hated seeing his friend in danger went over to help. He grabbed the bully's arm and suddenly the bully fell to the ground paralyzed. An investigation was done but no one could find out what Nathan did, and about a month later the case blew over.