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Imogen Viscer
Paddington, England
First year, Hufflepuff
34,8 cm mayhaw wood and dragon heartstring
Following parents who had too much trouble on their hands hadn't seemed like a good idea to Imogen's uncle. He took in the girl, all while handling his muggle job and stuck by her while the actual elders traveled the world with a typical excuse of 'it's for work.'

Obviously, Imogen never minded it. She was happy with her uncle. He was a stoic man, and she was cheerful enough to make him show some type of energy. Holden also enjoyed their time. Working as a police officer surely was his cup of tea but nothing could beat the smell of home.

Years of this life passed in a flash, the girl constantly piling herself with books and such. A fun fact which her random searching discovered, her name was firstly dated in one of Shakespeare's books. Since then she couldn't stop demanding to read one of his plays, always rejected by Holden who classified them as too much for her.

The constant thirst to learn grew to erase the neglectful biological creators from memory. It was nothing Imogen ever cried over, really. She was much happier with her uncle by her side if anything. He was someone to look up to, like a teacher.

And when the magic began, it was hectic.

Holden was confused. He was a man of logic and educated Imogen the same way, they couldn't understand the books pulling themselves out of shelves.

When the letter came, piece of Holden needed to scream. Imogen with him. She cannot survive a year without her uncle, she can't even endure it when he's gone during nighttime.

But ignoring them only caused more problems. Books now shook the entire shelves down, wrecking their belongings. So what else were they to do, really?

Imogen was sent out, a suitcase her uncle handled packing in one hand and that sacred letter in other.