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Ciara Gallagher
Limerick, Ireland
First year, Slytherin
25,5 cm walnut wood and phoenix feather
Early Years
Ciara Gallagher was born in Limerick, Ireland. She was raised in a small house by her Mom and her Nan. She never met her dad, but she was surrounded with love at every turn. She has many pets: a dog named Lady, a kitten named Tilly, and six rabbits, Daisy, Rose, Violet, Lily, Sunny, and Bluebell.
The first time she used magic, her mother was terrified. Ciara was around two years old and she wasn't able to reach a toy her mother had put up on the mantle by their fireplace. She wanted the toy so badly that she accidentally lifted herself up onto the mantle. Her mother nearly screamed after she walked in to find Ciara on the mantle. Her mother is a muggle and had no idea that magic was even possible. After the first showing of her magic, Ciara didn't really show other signs of magic. Her mother eventually forgot about the odd incident until the Hogwarts letter arrived when Ciara was 11

Ciara is a very chatty and friendly girl. She can talk the ears off of anyone and loves to make people laugh. She has a large group of friends and has a hard time being left out. She doesn't like being left alone and can be a bit clingy at times. She is very intelligent but gets easily distracted.

Ciara has red hair that is sort of wavy. Her eyes are bright blue and she freckles easily when she stays out in the sun for too long. She tends to be on the taller side for her age, being 5'3" at age 11.