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Willow Kitts
Colchester, England
First year, Ravenclaw
35,1 cm cherry wood and snallygaster heartstring
Willow Kitts is an intuitive wizard who also has a certain affinity with nature. She enjoys the following classes; Potions, Care of magical creatures, and herbology. She doesn't have many friends, and therefore is seen as a bit of a loner compared to her classmates. Her favourite room in the castle is the library because of the peace and quiet. To the few friends she does have, she is seen as the peacemaker. She is a halfblood and is scared of the Chamber of Secrets. Silver hair neatly cut to reveal her beaming, radiant face. Her shining amber eyes, set elegantly within their sockets, watch silently over her classmates.
A long, thin scar in the form of a diagonal line across her right eye marks her upbringing but, more importantly and leaves a horrible memory of bullying.She is a true warrior among students, although she is barely ever seen in conflict with her classmates. She stands oddly among others, despite her fragile frame.There's something misleading about her, perhaps it's a feeling of anguish or perhaps it's simply a feeling of sadness. But nonetheless, people tend to be secretive about knowing about her, while secretly training to become more like her.

Her mother was a witch, and her father is a muggle. She comes from a little town by the sea called Wareham. Her mother used to work in the ministry of magic, before being fired for keeping an illegal dragon.
Her mother died after being attacked by a werewolf.
Her father is a dentist, and after her mother died has been miserable.
Before Hogwarts, she went to school at Wareham-On-Sea Primary School. She was bullied by her older sister, Alison, for having braces, which since then have been removed. She first showed her magical ability when she was five. Her family were at the park, when her sister wouldn't oet her play on the swing. She somehow managed to make one of the chains for the swing disappear, and her mother swiftly took them home before anyone saw them. That day, she learnt that her magic is most powerful when she feels angry, or helpless. Her mother told her never to tell a soul, which is why she distanced herself from most children her age. By the time she was going to Hogwarts, it was a bad habit of hers.

Long backstory:

Willow was born and raised in a poor family with a deep fascination towards muggles. Her whole family was in Gryffindor so she was already considered one even before coming to Hogwarts.

She has a muggle older sister, Alison, and a baby brother, William, who of which they have seen no magical talent from so far.

She is a dreamer with great imagination but her personality appears to develop in a strange and rather unstable way with rather abrupt mood changes andKendra was born and raised in a wealthy family with "pure blood" and a deep hatred towards muggles. She hasn't quite picked up on that attitude and has never really paid much attention to her parents. Her whole family was in Slytherin so she was already considered one even before coming to Hogwarts although her indiferrence in magic had everyone concerned up until now.

It's a wonder her family has no history with deatheaters but one could say it was for the best. She has two older brothers that she doesn't really see that much anymore. There are rumors going around about their whereabouts as they both were famous Slytherin personalities in Hogwarts, but nobody can tell for sure. Kendra remains neutral as her attention is mostly drawn by simple things that happen every day.

She is a dreamer with great imagination but her personality appears to develop in a strange and rather unstable way with rather abrupt mood changes. She is very fond of centaurs and unicorns. She doesn't really have any friends although she doesn't mind the company of others. She loves reading books and is thrilled about being able to study magic, so she was overjoyed about coming to Hogwarts.