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Theo Magallanes
Wizard born
Bishopston, England
First year, Ravenclaw
26,5 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Name: Theo Benette Magallanes
Age: Eleven
Year: First

Physical Appearance

Theo Benette Magallanes, daughter of an auror and a professional Quidditch player. She looked very much like her father, an auror, who had tanned skin and curly, black hair. He was on the taller side, for a Filipino, which she did inherit (fortunately) and she stood at 5’4.

As for her mother, a Quidditch player with sleek, brown hair. Theo took after her with her pointy nose and straight, brown hair. She did inherit her mother’s passion and drive, which helped her to strive to achieve her goals, at any means possible.


Having spent part of her childhood in the Philippines, Theo’s parents wanted her to experience the magic of her homeland, so they sent her to live with her grandparents on the farm. The mysticality and enchantment that the tropical islands held. At a young age, she had already familiarized herself to the deep bamboo forests that surrounded the farmlands of her home, the wind that whispered the secrets of the old beings to anyone who would listen close enough.

It was when she was only five, and playing in behind the house, that magic surfaced in her. It manifested in the form of the kitchen going haywire, with pots and pans banging against each other like wild. Her grandmother was ecstatic, and immediately sent her back to live with her parents.

The next few years were nothing like the former life she lived. She lived under a household with two parents who pressured her to be the best version of herself at all times. They were excited for their daughters future, and they often expressed how they thought she would be the youngest Minister of Magic.


Theo is a determined and passionate young girl with big dreams to make up for her smaller stature. Her childhood of intensive training for her future has pushed her to be an intensely driven person with an insatiable hunger for knowledge.

She is very friendly and open to all topics, especially discourse, but be warned, she is also very stubborn with her beliefs!