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Ginerva Lionheart
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
24,8 cm mayhaw wood and dragon heartstring
Ginerva is a well mannered young wizard who is always social around other, new people. She dreams about being on a professional quidditch team when she is older. She is kind hearted, has a good sense of humor and has many good friends. She is happy to be a wizard and loves to read. Ginerva consistently begs her mom for a snowy owl. She also loves pigmy puffs. Her nickname is usually just plain old G very rarely though, people call her Gin.

Ginerva has bright red hair with elegant emerald green eyes. She has pale skin and no freckles on her face. She usually wears dark clothes and her wizard hat that her mum bought her when she was 6. Her hair is almost always up in a ponytail, except for special occasions. She never really wears makeup but may paint her nails for a special occasion.

She has three sisters and two crazy brothers. Ginerva is the second youngest and is one of the two children who just started attending hogwarts. She lives on the edge of London and enjoys going to diagon alley with her older sister, Lily. She is the only child with no pet. Her mom is a professional Quidditch player and her is a muggle. She grew up in the country until she moved closer to downtown london when she was only seven years old. At age two, her magic first surfaced when she magically made her moms ceramic vase levitate and it droped unexpectedly and smashed on the floor. Her mom came running into the house and found the broken vase. That was the day G found out she was a witch. She is a half blood.