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Margaret-Myrcella Li
Wizard born
Margate, England
First year, Ravenclaw
26,6 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
❀ hello! I'm Margaret-Myrcella Li. I grew up in the states, and I spent my summers in Asia; my parents decided to move to Margate, England this summer because it is where they met, this is where they named me after, and they want to be closer to me when I started attending Hogwarts. Here are some things about me:
❀ personality:

Many people say I'm sweet, kind, and charismatic, but I personally think I'm more awkward, annoying, and a bit full of myself. I can be a huge pain in the butt so please bear with me ^-^
❀ physical appearance:
- 154.94 cm
- brown eyes
- brown hair
- Chinese
- curly hair (but I straighten it out sometimes)
❀ history:

I was born on January 19, 2008, in New York, New York. My parents made sure I got the best education I could since they knew that Hogwarts didn't teach the material I would learn in muggle schools. As a child, I was taught to have manners like a "lady". Every summer, I'd go back to China for a month to make sure I never lost my heritage and my background. My Chinese name is 李明珠 (Li Mingzhu). Then, during this summer, after I came back from China, my parents finally made the move to England.
❀ first magic surface:

Both my parents attended Hogwarts (my mother was a second year Ravenclaw and my father was a 5th-year prefect from Slytherin when they first met). When I was about 3 or 4, they didn't expect me to show any signs of magic yet, but I started subconsciously making things float. By then, my parents were both shocked yet excited because they've always wanted me to attend a magical school.
❀Mother: Daisy Chan (pure-blood)
My mother grew up in a house full of Ravenclaws.  They moved to England from Hong Kong, and they ended up staying in England because they loved the community. Everyone works as either a professor or in the Ministry; but my mother being the rebellious lady that she is, decided to travel the world and write about her magical encounters. She then settled in the city of New York after she got married. Her twin older sister & brother(Rose & Jared Chan) ended up moving back to Hong Kong together. 
Books she wrote:
The Mythical Magic of Modern America
❀ Father: Jefferson Li (pure-blood)
My father grew up up in Margate with his mother and father. His mother is part of the Rosier pure-blood family, but his father is a wizard immigrant from Beijing. Part of his education was done in a Hong Kong international school, but he spent his last year before Hogwarts at an English school. He moved to America to work for MACUSA, but he ended up falling in love with writing. So, he made New York his permanent home where he wrote textbooks. He is the oldest of two brothers, but his brother (Alexander Li) moved to Chicago after Hogwarts. 
Books He Wrote:
A Sorcerer's Sonnet of Spells
Common Charms and Curses