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Livia White
Aviemore, Scotland
First year, Ravenclaw
30,0 cm dogwood wood and phoenix feather
Livia white is a muggleborn from Scotland. Her mother met her muggle father at a pub somewhere in Glasgow and they fell in love at first sight. When they realized that they were pregnant they got married and found a house in Edinburgh to start their new family. A while later they had a son they named Alvin and a daughter they named Livia. Twins. Livias mother told her father that she was a witch two weeks after they had met, but he was still surprised when he found out that it was his daughter that had changed the color of her bedroom walls from pink to snot green overnight. Her brother Alvin never showed any signs of magic.
It was hard for the family to live with a toddler with uncontrolled magic, dinners found them selves on the ceiling and glass vases exploded. But when she got older she learned how to contain her anger and excitement witch led to a calmer household.
Livias favorite thing to do is bake pumpkin pasties and later eating them with a side of apple cider under the big tree in their garden while reading books or listening to music. 
When she got her letter the family was overjoyed and Livia exited. Alvin more because he wouldn't have an annoying sister pestering him all day.