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Circe Pyro
Glasgow, Scotland
Second year, Slytherin
33,5 cm mayhaw wood and snallygaster heartstring
Circe first showed manifestations of magical abilities at the age of three. While playing in the garden while her father tended the plants, Circe levitated a tomato off of the vine and into her tiny hands. Her parents, both wizards were overjoyed to see their freckle faced daughter displaying powers.

Circe is the biological daughter of one of her fathers and was carried and birthed by a surrogate witch. She has copper red hair and a speckling of freckles all across her face, chest, and arms.

She is proud of her pure-blood heritage and her gay fathers, and will defend them to her own detriment. She's scrappy and quick to anger, having experienced bullying from a very young age due to her looks and having 2 fathers. She is sensitive about her looks because she doesn't feel she looks like either of her parents. She is loyal to those who have proven their loyalty to her (thus far a very few people), and deeply suspicious of people until they reach that point. She enjoys being alone, but longs for real human connection. She is eager to learn but quickly gets frustrated and struggles, however her ambition to be make her fathers proud always keeps her pushing forward and trying.

Circe loves animals, a product of growing up on a little country farm, and finds that she relates better to animals than people. She hopes to follow in her dad's footsteps and work with magical creatures someday; or her father's footsteps and work in the Ministry of Magic. Either way, she wants to grow up and be like her dads.

In order to make her appearance more like that of her fathers, Circe has colored some of her hair black and started to wear glasses (though she does not need them). She is rather short for her age and skinnier than most would find healthy, but Circe loves to eat and simply metabolizes food quickly do to her high activity levels. She loves flying and running alongside the magical creatures her dad keeps on their farm.