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Martyn Rand
Wizard born
Bristol, England
Second year, Hufflepuff
22,4 cm cedar wood and kelpie hair
(For In-Depth Character Page: Martyn Rand)

Born and raised in Bristol by a single father, Martyn grew up surrounded by literature and wizardry. His father - Adrian Rand, a mildly successful author in both the Muggle and the wizarding worlds, who filled their small home with books of all kinds - took it upon himself to school Martyn through home education rather than sending him to a regular academy, to ensure that his life was filled with magic and other things Adrian believed to be what was 'truly' important to learn.

Though this was partially due to Adrian's own busy schedule, which included long hours out working at night or meetings with his strange assortment of editors and literary agents, some wizards and some not, Martyn simply knew this as life, and took his father's odd associates to be the norm.

Of course, when he first began to manifest his own affinity towards the art of wizardry, things shifted dramatically, beginning with the time he nearly spilled a cup of piping hot tea all over his father's favorite copy of The Iliad and managed to save it by stopping the tea mid-spill with instinctual magic. His father finally revealed what he had really been preparing Martyn for for so long - Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A real school!

Not only that, but a school full of other students who could use magic or had grown up around it, a stark difference from the few other times he had interacted with children his age over the years.

His upbringing, somewhat isolated from those outside of his father's closest circle of coworkers and friends, gave him an inquisitive mind and a love for the written word, as well as a genuine kindness towards others. On the other hand, it also left him with an awkwardness around peers, a stunted ability to make friends, and a general lack of confidence in his own abilities.

Martyn, though he never knew her, inherited his mother's green eyes and pale skin, while on the other side got his father's curly brown hair and slightly overweight but above average height build, standing at about 153 centimeters and around 42 kilograms.