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Archaic Sevre
Everwing, England
Third year, Ravenclaw
35,0 cm cherry wood and snallygaster heartstring
| Full Name : Archaic Cetus Sevre
| Age: 11 years old
| Gender: Male
| Nationality : English
| Birthday : 13th, January 2008
| Place of birth : Warwick, England
| Status : Half-Blood
| House : Ravenclaw
| School Year : First Year
| Wand : 35,0 cm cherry wood and snallygaster heartstring
| Wand arm: Left
| Patronus : N/A
| Species: Human
| Zodiac: Capricorn
| Height: 4’ 6”
| Weight: 75 lb

Archaic has long blonde hair that he ties back in a low pony tail, with bangs in the front framing his features. He has a permanent slight tan to his skin, and a slim if thin frame. His facial features are gentle with a small button nose to match, and oddly enough a light smatter of freckles across the bridge of his nose and no where else. His most exotic and well noticed feature however, is his strikingly pale green eyes that are nearly glacial. It has been mentioned he looks mostly like his mother, although he has his fathers fairer hair compared to his mothers dirtier blonde version.

Archaic is a rather quiet individual, preferring his books to conversation, although he is not a shut in recluse with no people skills. Its just his preference. If he has a new book, its likely he will forget the world until he's read it.
Despite his young age, Arch actually has a lot of patience and is known to think before his actions.
While not exactly a rule breaker, he does like testing some boundaries in the hopes of a discovery or learning experience. Of course, after weighing the backlash to the reward first.
Due to gentler features and longer hair, he has occasionally been mistaken for a girl on outings, and actually finds it amusing in most cases. He tends to just roll with it and see how long it lasts.

Quirks & Habits
- Rarely is he ever seen without a book.
- When thinking, he a habit of tapping his right pointer finger against his lip while writing with his left, often accidentally leaving a small ink imprint on his lip til he notices later.
- He is actually attempting to grow his hair out a bit longer so he can put part of it back in a viking style braid, no particular reason, he simply likes the style.
- He has a tendency to collect anything with a dragon on it.

Likes - Dislikes - Fears
- He adores animals of all sorts, and never raises a ill hand to any, no matter how poisonous or dangerous they may be. Not suicidal of course, but see's no reason to be hostile to any.
- His favorite season is Winter and deeply craves for Snow Falling Days with a book and a window nook to curl up in.
- Books are cherished greatly by him, the older the better.
- He adores music with no voices and tends to drift off in a daydream when he is listening to it.
- His favorite dessert is Ice Cream, manages to eat entire tubs of it by himself [although the stomach aches will occasionally backlash the decision]
- The only thing he cannot abide is Spiders, and will go out of his way to avoid them at all costs.
- He once attended a traveling muggle circus passing through his home town and has a irrational fear of clowns since. He will not explain why, that even left his father mystified.
- He cannot abide spicy food, and prefers fruitier flavors. Barring Pineapple



His parents meeting was actually not even in Britain, despite both being born and officially living there. Archaics father, Cetus, was in Egypt for a cousins wedding. He had scheduled extra time after the date so he could check out some ruins nearby with a tour group, despite it being a muggle event. It was on the same tour that Cetus met Aria, a muggle on the same tour. Who was simply on a Family Vacation with her Mother and Father. Both were rather smitten with each other and decided to keep contact. Aria studied and became a Archaeologist, whereas Cetus was a became a Curse Breaker. Despite the differences of their worlds, Cetus wouldn't give Aria up, and eventually they married on December 3 of 1997. It wasn't until about a year into the marriage that he admitted to her and showed her his magic due to underlying guilt. She took it surprisingly well, having noticed the odder things in life since she knew Cetus but had no explanation for them. It took about another year of small punishments though before she entirely forgave him.

Having married and settled down in Warwick, England the attempted for many years to have children. Twice Aria carried children, however the first died early in the pregnancy, and the 2nd was stillborn. Heartbroken, the couple decided to stop and keep each other happy without children. It was a ironic twist of events that in middle of 2007, they found out Aria was once more pregnant. Having honestly expected the child to pass on like the others, the ordeal was quite emotional and chaotic. Hope built within the wary couple by the 6th month mark though when the baby showed no great signs of illness, and understandably gave them a fright when it was born January 13th of 2008, prematurely by nearly 2 months. They aptly named him Archaic Cetus Sevre. The 1st name out of love for 'old' things, and the 2nd for his father. Who was quite healthy despite his earlier start, and showed no signs of additional trouble aside from starting out small.

As all happy things go however, they much eventually come to a end. Aria eventually fell ill by the 3rd year of Archaic's life, and eventually succumbed to it on the eve of his 4th Birthday. To this day, no one is quite sure what was wrong, and those who think of it still ponder. Cetus mourned his wife heavily, and although never ceasing to love his son, found it hard to be around the toddler. For he shared his mothers appearance in a haunting like manner that it pained him. After moving the family of two from the home that reminded him of his wife, settling instead in Everwing - England, he hired nannies and tutors to monitor his child and took more work trips far from home. Each for longer periods of time, although he made it for every Holiday and big Celebration. Yet, he rarely stayed longer then a week before another request took him and he was gone.

Despite his fathers absence, Archaic learned to live with it and simply appreciated when his father did come home. Although the relationship was a bit strained, they both still love each other. In search of solace, Archaic buried himself in books and pets to keep him company. A batch of Half Kneazles roamed the lands from one stray litter, and a German Shepherd important from America as a Birthday gift from Cetus at age 8, aptly named Corevere [Core for short]. Archaic rarely left the manor grounds except to occasionally shop for more books or attend neighborhood gatherings, as the magical community was small there and sought each others company. Arch was the youngest magical member, as most were closer to his grandparents age [all deceased], or single stragglers closer to his fathers era. So he did not have much exposure to children his own age. Things carried on much like this for most years until Archaics Hogwarts Letter was owled.

Cetus did make time for his sons 11th Birthday, and was present for breakfast as Archaic's Hogwarts Letter came in. Naturally, both were overjoyed, the younger excitably, and the other slightly bittersweet. But no less happy.

Accidental Magic

His sons first bout of accidental magic at age 5, and did actually show up to see the reported end results and have a small celebration for Archaic. The ordeal was a rather creative event. Having accidentally turn his own hair Sapphire blue and froze his stuffed dragon like a dragon shaped ice cube. One of the new nannies hurried to notify Cetus via floo call, who luckily was in his office at the time. Eventually the dragon was defrosted, but the blue hair stayed for nearly a week before it eventually turned back to normal.