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Donna Summer
Leeds, England
First year, Ravenclaw
20,4 cm mayhaw wood and phoenix feather
Donna has always been a curious child. She's interested in everything and from very young age she tirelessly asks her parents 'what's this?' and 'why is that?'. Now Donna is 11 years old, and received her letter from Hogwarts, she's never been so excited! Although she's half-blood, she spend most of her childhood among muggles. Other kids seemed to like her, but she never had a best friend to share her interests and doubts with.

Her dad is a healer in St Mungo's Hospital. He is very busy with his work, but enjoys watching muggle sports. Her mum is a muggle, she works as a teacher and loves plants. She taught Donna how to take care of many non magical plants, and her dad often helped by casting protective spells when mum wasn't looking. Donna's parents love her very much, but they work a lot, and don't have much time spend with her.

Donna was 6, when she and her family moved to a new house. She was very exited, and wanted to carry things in, but dad laughed, and told her that she's to small. Well, she didn't listed, and grabbed mum's favorite plant, but moments later she dropped it on the ground! Donna panicked, quickly gathered up what was left of the plant and flowerpot and hid away, thinking of nothing else but how sad her mum will be when she finds out. She cried locked in her room, hoping that it never happened. And then, suddenly the flowerpot fixed itself, and plant regrew even more beautiful than before! It was the first time she remembers to use magic.

Donna was always spending most of her time in the muggle school that her mum works in, even before she started classes herself. She always attended many afternoon activities and helped younger kids with their classes... While at home, she likes to read pictured encyclopedias which she has probably couple too many.