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Penelope Keller
Rainworth, England
First year, Gryffindor
30,9 cm willow wood and phoenix feather
Penelope is kind and respectful to others depending on their first impression and can be quite distrusting if their first impression give her the wrong idea about them but gives them a second chance just in case she is wrong. She likes to show off her skills and get proud when she is praised by it but does not like to brag and prefer action then words. She can be quite clumsy and insecure about herself sometimes. She is very shy and always quiet unless talked to or she have something on her mind when she is in a room full of strangers, but gets little bit confident if she is with her friends. Penelope is somewhat adventurous but does not have the courage to do so. She is careful with things despite her clumsiness and can think of any possibility in her mind as possible. She can be very sarcastic but only for humor effect. She loves jokes and puns no matter how bad it is as long if it funny. She is very honest to the point were if she do something bad she would tell the truth or if asked to say something but can lie when she need to be and can hide a secret depending on what it is.
Penelope is 4'9 tall and weighs about 150 lbs, She have long wavy dirty blonde hair that reaches over to half of her shoulders and have baby blue eyes with down turned shape eyes, and triangle shape face. Have ivory skin that is free from markings and have rectangle body shape.
Penelope was born to a wizard mother and a muggle father and lived a good life with them in Rainworth and sometimes her mother bring her with her father to see magical beasts. When Penelope was six, she sometimes doubt herself that she will be magical like her mother despite her parents protests until one day when Penelope was bored because she have nothing to do when her parents talking to each other for a long time she wanted confetti to suddenly appear, being a curious child that she is, she clapped her hands expecting to see confetti and saw a pile of confetti appear from nowhere and got proud when she saw it. However her parents didn't noticed yet as they were very busy talking making Penelope a bit mad so she clapped a few more times until she noticed that the room was fulled with colorful confetti and that her parents were covered in them and got grounded making her clean the room but yet was praised by them.