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Katey Eickhoff
Wizard born
Extor, England
First year, Ravenclaw
26,7 cm aspen wood and dragon heartstring
My name is Katey, but most just call me Kat. I was born to two wizard parents in Exter. I don't have any siblings but I do have an owl, Mills, and a cat, Frenchie. I first experienced my powers when I was five and couldn't reach a book on the top shelf at flourish and blots. I wanted it so badly, it just flew right down to me! Ever since then, I've been excited to attend Hogwarts and advance my skills. My dark coloring comes from my mother-- she's Italian-- and my shy intellectual side comes from my English father. I have dark, straight brown hair and am well under the average height at 5'2". I'm always curious and asking questions, but I like to have fun with friends too! I get along well with everyone I meet and I have so many passions that I tend to take every opportunity and be a part of everything! If I could eat anything for the rest of my life, I would always choose waffles because they go with any topping. I aspire to be the best wizard in my class and I plan on hitting the books hard once I enter school. I'll miss not seeing my family every day since I'm very close to my parents, but I'm excited to meet new people and explore the wizarding world!