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Tobias Mat
Norton, England
First year, Slytherin
35,5 cm black walnut wood and dragon heartstring
I was born in July  - the 14th precisely - in Paris, France, national holiday day. My father wasn't here for my birth, he is an airplane pilot for the French Air Force, flying above the Hausmannian house in which a little thing is born : me, Tobias Mat.
I spend my childhood in the capital city and I never heard of a magical world until the birth of my little sister, Lily, in 2036. My mother (a wizard), felt obliged to talk to me about it.
And... How can I say it ? In a first time, I didn't believed her. But when she shown to me her wand, I was shocked and I was « sur le cul ». A magical world existed and I had never known it? Or maybe I didn't want to see it ...

At the age of 7, I joined a military school for the guard cavalry. Early, I was spotted by a riding teacher who saw in me the future of the prestigious National Guard. I worked hard for two years with my horse Joe, in memory of a horse from the World War I. Now that I knew about magic, I paid more attention to my mother's actions. My father is a muggle but I love him more than chocolate.

The first time my magic surfaced was on Joe: he arched and I passed over his rump. I was about to feel a shock but ... Nothing. Nothing at all. I was suspended in the air a few inches from the sand. It was the strangest and most exciting moment of my life.

People say that I am a sure and confident person, but I am not narcissistic. I can concentrate very long if I wish. I'm curious. My hearing is very developed because I play the violin since I'm four.
Physical side, I measure 1 meter 35 and I weigh 33 kilograms. My face is thin and pale. I have short black hair, blue eyes hidden behind small round glasses. I have a scar in my back that runs from my right omplate to my left ribs, a painful memory of a horse fall.

With the arrival of a white owl, I went to England with my aunt. My mother didn't know the school of French witchcraft Beauxbatons and preferred to send me to Poudlard. I have been learning English for a year, and I often make mistakes. I often do not understand when people are talking. I hope you would be nice to me.