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Lily Alexander
Chetton, England
First year, Ravenclaw
26,5 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Born to a muggle family of an elementary school teacher and an up-and-coming modern artist, Lily was raised with a constant sense of wonderment about the world. She often loses track of time doing research in her own way about the interests of her father, whom she had taken after much more than her mother. Looking online for new materials and ideas for her father's work, she served to be just as much an inspiration to him as anything else. Aside from debating the meaning of any particular work of art with her mother or father, she spends her time watching television, soap operas mostly, as she finds them to be entertaining, while also not quite understanding that they aren't the most realistic portrayals of modern life. In school she was quite social, very outgoing, although not necessarily the most popular. She tried her hardest to fit in, and eventually found a place with the members of the chess club. Granted, her understanding of the game is elementary at best, she enjoys the social aspect of being in the same room with the three boys that were interested in the game. At home, she's doted on by her parents. The only child of a hardworking couple, Lily had come to appreciate the attention they both gave her, almost as a way of making up for her apparent lack of success in finding friends elsewhere. Despite her shortcomings, she tries to keep an upbeat attitude about everything, although occasionally it fails, leading to moments of anxiety or paranoia about the social climate around her.