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Coralynn Braeman
Wizard born
Norton, England
First year, Hufflepuff
23,2 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
Coralynn is an outgoing child who loves to make new friends. She is not always the first to speak up, but she will not shy away from conversation. Despite inheriting her mother's beautiful blue eyes and wavy blonde locks, she is not arrogant about her appearance. Cora has a kind heart, going out of her way for those in need. It is simply how she's always been raised.

Her parents are both witches, not from a prestigious family but they worked hard for the things they have. They taught Coralynn to value hard work and friendships above most other things. Even when she began showing signs of having magical abilities at the age of 5, her parents made her work at the knowledge. They forbade her from meddling in things she did not understand, ensuring her the day would come where she would gather the opportunity to learn all she needed to know. Cora read what she was able, watching the adults around her in an effort to know more about what and who she was.

Despite this, her mother told her that she could not learn about herself through the actions of others. Only from her own experiences could Cora truly learn who she was. For a long time, Cora didn't understand that. She was young so how could she? Even now she, like most children her age, is trying to figure out what exactly that means.