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Shiro Zodiac
Wizard born
Bristol, England
First year, Gryffindor
21,5 cm rosewood and dragon heartstring
She's quiet, a wild card, Her personality is Angry, or not caring. it takes a lot to make her happy.
She was 9 when her first signs of magic appeared, the signs being, random items levitating.
Her White hair seems to shine under the moon.
She is unaware of her heritage, due to memory loss, She is only aware she is from Ireland, due to her strong accent.

Her Late mother, Katla Zodiac (Adoptive). Raised her from age 3.
She moved from Ireland to England.

She Enjoys the practice of Archery and Quidditch.

Her entire life she's felt like and outcast, always staying on the outs of society. When She recived her Hogwarts Acceptance letter, she decided she would be fairly social.
She's very creative and small sketches can be found on her parchment.
She's unique, Her odd attachment to the well being of forest and the animals in them, she's often singled out, called a loner. Because she cares.

Her hair is usually placed in a Dancer bun, Left down, or in a high ponytail.

She has one Grey/Silver eye, and one Dark blue eye, the Blue one seems to be the cause of her being the outcast sometimes.

Her Hair has a single silver streak in it, it is prominent in all of her hair styles.

She can often be found reading out by the Black Lake (Her favorite place to go)
Her favorite class is potions, she enjoys mixing things to have a grand outcome, Sometime messing up. But we all make mistakes.