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Nora Thomson
Paisley, Scotland
First year, Gryffindor
33,0 cm mayhaw wood and dragon heartstring
Nora was born on June 19th, 2008 to Scot Thomson, a muggle, and Sophie Reid, a witch. She grew up in a majority muggle community, went to a muggle primary school, and had muggle friends. But she always knew that she wanted to go to Hogwarts like her mum. Her magic did not manifest itself until she was around 8 years old at a friend's birthday party. That afternoon had already been a wretched one, so for the birthday cake to suddenly explode as Nora was yelling at Tommy Smith for pulling her hair was just the icing on the cake, pun intended.

However, with the fear of being a Squib now gone, Nora was finally able to look forward to the day she received her Hogwarts acceptance letter. And she was absolutely delighted when she did.

Nora is somewhat of an outspoken girl. She has her opinions and is not afraid to make them known. While she was not necessarily the brightest in her grade, she still enjoyed learning and did her best in school. Nora is very loyal to her friends, sometimes to a fault. She has a tendency to lie for their sake, or even throw herself under the bus to protect them. She is often caught daydreaming or staring into space as her thoughts wander to various topics, usually about what she'll do when she grows up. Her temper is quite short, and she is easily riled up. However, Nora does not tend to hold grudges and easily forgives those who have wronged her.

She is beyond excited to begin her journey at Hogwarts and is most excited for Transfiguration and Charms. And though she is nervous about being able to make friends, she is determined to make the most of the next 7 years and become the best witch she can be.