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Brendetta Thompson
London, England
First year, Slytherin
29,1 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Brendetta comes from a wealthy family. She lives with her younger sister, her father and the maids and butlers. Her mother had ran off with one of the butlers when Brendetta was four. Her father often works away from home so they don't meet that often and have a rather strained relationship. She and her sister get along well as they spend a lot of time together. Her sister, since she's a muggle, don't have magical powers but finds magic really cool. Brendetta has long blonde hair which she usually ties into a braid, blue eyes, and she rarely laughs. She's a rather stand-offish but still polite. If she's close enough with you, she might start being protective of you and would often engage in playful banter. She is exceptionally good at Mathematics and is rather reluctant of joining Hogwarts since the closest lesson they have to Maths is Arithmancy and you only take that in thrid year. Her magic started showing up when she was seven when she could get her father's paper's to fly around in an attempt to get his attention. She thinks nothing of it after that because she's sure it was just a figment of her imagination. When she gets confirmation that she was actually a witch, she was sure they were playing some sick joke until they vanished all her math homework.