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Shyla Harper
Wizard born
Clayton, England
First year, Gryffindor
27,3 cm aspen wood and phoenix feather
:) I am a young girl. My parents always said I was special but I never have seen how. I can't wait to help everyone out and make new friends!! :) I've been playful since birth!! I can't wait to learn all the area's of magic at Hogwarts. I come from a long line of Hufflepuff's but hope to be special and get a different house! My first name means Goddess but I believe I'm not good enough to be that special. My last name means a player of a harp but I can't play the harp! I love everyone dearly!! I've always been small and weak but I hope to become a good wizard! There is all kind of myths I believe! I love reading legends and Sci-fi muggle books~! I feel like all people are equal together it doesn't matter if your Pure-blood, Half-blood or Muggle-born. I personally take pride in being a pure-blood and getting an education beforehand! My two moms taught me a lot before I got accepted. When I got my letter i was crazy excited so were my mom's. I can be very weird! I can't wait to meet all kind of Wizards and muggles at my times at Hogwarts! I hope I'll have a good time at Hogwarts and I hope you will too!! I hope I get to Talk to you!