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Ingrid Warwick
Wizard born
Stratford-upon-Avon, England
First year, Hufflepuff
25,8 cm aspen wood and snallygaster heartstring
Ingrid Warwick was born to an established Wizarding family in Stratford-upon-Avon, an idyllic market town in England’s West Midlands. The Warwicks boasted a line of accomplished Transfiguration Masters, with her father being no exception.

Being an only child, her doting parents fostered her innate aptitude for Potions. Ingrid’s thirst for knowledge could not be sated; despite her father’s admitted disappointment, there was no denying that she was his pride and joy. Not only did they share an uncanny likeness in appearance, with inquisitive blue eyes and charming features, but she was also undeniably brilliant.

In spite of Ingrid’s academic success, much of her childhood was spent in her father’s study than in the company of others. After all, her cousins would much rather discuss the latest edition of Witch Weekly rather than the twelve uses of dragon’s blood. Acknowledging her own shortcomings, she has a tendency to dismiss her achievements as a result of her father’s initial disappointment that she wasn’t quite the Transfiguration prodigy he had desired.

In retrospect, Ingrid lacks the foresight required for future goals and can be quite thoughtless as a result. She isn’t as ambitious as she ought to be, content to be brewing and dabbling in Potions beyond her proficiency than envisioning a future career as a Potions Master. However, she aspires to be like her mother, with a silver tongue and amiable nature that she can only hope to emulate as she attends Hogwarts.