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Hannah Bailey
Wizard born
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
25,5 cm cherry wood and snallygaster heartstring
My name Is Hannah Bailey I come from a pure blooded family which came from Australia in the early 1900's but I also have some Scottish ancestry. Well im tall for my age with shoulder length bushy brown hair. I wear glasses due to my shortsightedness. Since i grew up in the Wizarding world i know some things that go on. My first sign of magic was after i was born a nurse was going to rap me up in a blanket but before she did that a yellow flame came bursting out of my hands apparently she nearly dropped me. As i got older i used to make things levitate towards me like chocolate and books i was interested in. Though when i went to school my magic went a bit out of control sometimes especially when i got upset or angry that's when my magic became really wild. There was one incident when someone was bullying me so i got really angry and then my magic kicked in and gave him bunny ears. My family was quite a caring family that always nurtured and encouraged me to be the best i can be. Even though im a pure blood my family finds muggles fascinating we even used a lot of muggle inventions such as television and home appliances. I have an obsession with the muggle royals and the history of them and i have found it fascinating.