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Elliot Gwyn Thatcher
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
29,2 cm cherry wood and snallygaster heartstring
Elliot Gwyn Thatcher was born to parents Mark Thatcher (muggle) and Gwenifer Silistor (witch). Her mother left Elliot with her father when she was 2 years old, leaving only a letter explaining her heritage. Mark is a caring and doting father, who has done his best to provide a stable childhood for his daughter.
Elliot has always been a rambunctious child, and sometimes that gets her into trouble. In one particular instance, in 1st grade, Elliot intended to play a harmless prank on one of her classmates. Taking the other kids homework, she folded it into a paper airplane and threw it. The moment it left her finger tips it turned into a pigeon and flew out a near by open window. Since she was unable to return the paper, Elliot was sent home for stealing. This was the first manifestation of her magical ability. Elliot is also a very kind. Even though her shenanigans give her somewhat of a marred reputation, she would never do anything to hurt someone else, and she is always willing to help a friend in need.
Elliot's father has always been very open with her about her mother and her abilities. So when the Hogwarts owl arrived, she was ecstatic. Although she was sad to leave her dad, she couldn't wait to plunge into the Wizarding World.
Elliot loves animals especially cats.

Elliot is average height for an 11 year old, has pale skin, shoulder length silvery white-blonde hair, and bright green eyes.