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Willow Wild
Wizard born
London, England
First year, Slytherin
25,5 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Willow is a young girl and just turned 11 a few weeks ago. Her birthday is Febuary 13th. She's got pale white blonde lightly curled hair that reaches just below her shoulder blades. Her eyes are a blueish, purple color and very large. Her skin, pale, almost the color of snow. Her features are very delicate and pristine. She is rather quiet, prefering to listen to what's happening around her. She could often be found hiding in her closet with a book an a flashlight. She loves to learn, and read. Each story takes her away to a new place and every grain of knowledge is a treasure.

Her mother and father are both of magical origin. Her father works for the Ministry and her mother did as well, but now she just stays home to care for her younger brother and herself. The moment she knew she was also magical was a wonderful moment. She was in a large field behind her house, sitting with her back against a large oak tree. She was reading the most wonderful story, and there was a particular passage she read, about a beautiful garden. Flowers the color of the rainbow, all blowing in a light gentle breeze. She closed my eyes to try and picture it. The moment she open them she was slightly stunned. The plain field that had been before changed, flowers of every color springing from the ground. It was magical and she couldn't believe for a moment that it was she who had manifested the garden.