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Georgia Chapman
Winchester, England
Second year, Gryffindor
32,7 cm cherry wood and snallygaster heartstring
Born and raised in a muggle family, Georgia had no idea she was magical until the day she received her Hogwarts letter. Of course, there'd been signs since an early age, if one knew where to look--an almost uncanny ability to end up in places she shouldn't and one unfortunate incident with her school's windows shattering might spring to mind--but neither her nor her family had the knowledge to understand those for anything other than freak accidents. But Georgia knew, in her heart, that she had always been destined for something greater, that she was special, and the magic school only confirmed it.

Of course, Georgia has always believed that. Ever since she was little, she dreamed big, ranging from the fantastical--a fairy princess destined to save her homeland--to the marginally more realistic--that she'd become the most famous actress-singer-dancer who does all her own stunts. Her frequent flights of fantasy have charmed some and alienated others, who find Georgia's exuberance and enthusiasm to be too much. She has an unfortunate tendency to forget that other people's needs and wants are as important as her own, causing her to behave selfishly. She can also come across as brash and insensitive, and she sometimes finds it hard to make friends.

Despite this, Georgia is a positive, upbeat person, who certainly has the driving energy that others need to see their own ideas become a reality. She's also quite loyal to the few friends she does have and she'll never intentionally ignore a friend in need--it just doesn't always occur to her that they are in need. For all her bravado, Georgia is scared of the dark.

As far as looks go, she's a young girl with long brown hair and bright blue eyes. She tends to wear her hair up in a messy ponytail, or leave it hanging loose around her shoulders.