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Amelia Luthbrock
Devon, England
First year, Gryffindor
32,8 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Amelia Anne Luthbrock was born and raised in Devon, England close to the coast. Amelia was born to a Wizard father and a Muggle mother. Their names being Kenneth and Lisa Luthbrock. Amelia was fully aware of the wizarding world and made several trips with her father to Diagon ally and other places in the wizarding world. Amelia is a bright child who loves adventure and tries her hardest to succeed in her work. Amelia is a pretty normal child non the less. Her family is not extremely rich but her parents both work and there is always food on the table every night. Amelia is watched by one of her fathers friends who is also a wizard since both of her parents work, so that she wouldn't cause problems in a muggle day care and she was with someone who could understand and take care of Amelia's needs. Amelia was extremely excited to receive her acceptance letter to Hogwarts and practically begged her parents to take her to Diagon ally immediately to get all of her things so that she would be ready for the upcoming school year. She truly hopes that she will be in Gryffindor like her father, but her father told her to be proud of any house she is accepted to and that she would be an amazing witch no matter what.