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Helen Lynch
Wizard born
Horsham, England
First year, Slytherin
28,3 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
First Magic: She first showed magical abilities in her first few days. She made a small house-plant grow faster, she "convinced" the family pet cat to do certain things, and she levitated her toy for a brief second.
 History: Helen Lynch is the daughter of two good-looking magical parents. Parents who were Slytherin, and expect her to be Slytherin too. She does not like to use her looks as a mean of getting attention. Nor does she like to flaunt her looks. She prefers to get her hands dirty. Whether it be through baking, planting, or caring for her animals. She wanted to own her own broomstick, but her parents didn't agree. One of her main reasons for coming to Hogwarts was to learn how to ride a broomstick. 
History (Continued): Helen was nervous when buying her wand. Ollivander himself made her nervous, but when more and more wands started to pile up, she started to freak out. When a wand finally choose her she sighed in relief. However, hearing the description only alarmed her. Flexible, highly powerful and loves being powerful, extremely difficult to control. Just you wait, she thought sadly, I bet I'll make a fool of myself on the first day of school.
Personality: Helen is a bubbly person. She's very outspoken about animal rights and is an avid animal lover. She that person who tries to cheer you up when you're feeling sad or perhaps calm you down when you're mad. She's usually in the middle of fights rather than directly involved with them, but she can get agitated at times. She dislikes arrogant people who think they're better than everybody else. 
Weight:70.3 pounds