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Adam Harringtom
Wizard born
08 Nov 2005
Nottingham, England
Librarian Aide, I
24,3 cm cherry wood and unicorn hair
Adam Harringtom was born on November 8 in Nottingham, England. He is an inquisitive child, and loves puzzles and riddles. Adam is most notably identified by his blond hair and pale green eyes, and is tall for his age. Though his family line is not entirely pure-blood, Adam was born into generations of wizardry, and was taught dozens of minor tricks and tips by his parents and his older brother Dean. Adam is extremely excited to be attending Hogwarts School, as he has heard brilliant things about it from Dean!

Adam is what some call a "people person", and makes friends very easily. He is easygoing and has a well-rounded sense of humor, and tries to keep from slipping into sarcasm too often. While at school, he hopes to make several new friends -- the more the better! When it comes to study habits, Adam can be a bit of a procrastinator, but always gets his work done on time. When inspired, Adam can be extremely productive; however, when he hits a low point, he finds his efficiency reduced exponentially.

Adam likes to spend time outdoors, and is happiest when he is with his friends. He loves the winter, and anything that comes with it; he could drink mug after mug of hot chocolate and once got into an hour-long snowball fight with his cousins. Adam's favorite color is dark blue, and if he had to eat one thing for the rest of his life it would probably be Italian food -- namely, fettuccine alfredo. Adam has a very creative mind and an imagination that often runs rampant. He looks forward to seeing what will come out of his time at school!

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